and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th

Monday 10 January 2011

Overall Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The genre of our music video is Drum & Bass with elements of dubstep. Chase and Status’ videos have a dark theme in all of their videos, usually using relationships and violence which are often shown in a graphic manner. We have brought this element into our music video with the scene at the start in bed and also at the end in the bathroom. As the videos have a dark theme, low key lighting is using throughout them and we have used this within our video too, as well as using a strobe light with adds to the dubstep genre and exaggerates the anger shown in the video. All of Chase and Status’ videos have a narrative and this is shown more often than actual performance, such as lip syncing. We have also done this within our video and brought in some guitar performance to add a little more variety. 
We have used postmodern ideas as we have challenged the convention of the ‘relationship’ within our video as we have used a homosexual couple instead of the usual heterosexual ones that are normally used within this type of genre.
The overall effect that challenging this convention has had on our music video is that it makes it different from the other videos in the same genre so therefore adds variety. It also puts a different twist on the song, as we changed the meaning of the words from the original song.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
To get audience feedback, a small group were asked to watch out video and evaluate it. They had to state whether they believed it was minimal, basic, good or excellent. Below are the results of this.
Overall creativity - good
Holding a shot steady, where appropriate - excellent
Framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate - excellent
Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate - good
Shooting material appropriate for a music video - good
Mise-en-scene appropriate for a music video - good
Editing making the meaning apparent to the viewer - excellent
Varied shot transitions, captions and other effects that are appropriate - excellent
Matching sound with images and editing to the music - excellent
Overall the music video so far is – excellent
Overall, we were extremely pleased with our feedback. However, we couldn’t change anything that was labelled ‘good’ to so that it was ‘excellent’ as we had already filmed this material and didn’t have time to re-film. Although, if we did have time, we would definitely do our best to make the ‘good’ statements ‘excellent’ by using a bigger variety of shot distances and making the the mise-en-scene was actually how it should be for the music video. However overall, we feel that we did our best and we were happy with the outcome of the music video.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The technologies we used to create our music video were imovie. We found this very easy to use so this meant we were able to experiement with lots of different editing techniques. These are very cleary shown throughout the music video and we felt that it made it look more like a professional video and a lot more interesting. For the CD cover and digipak we used photoshop. With photoshop we were able to personalise the images to look exactly how we wanted and it was a lot easier to portray and artist and theme the way we wanted. For the website we used iweb which again was the perfect program to use as we could add images and text exactly where we wanted without difficultly and we didnt have to change our website idea because we had no problems putting it together on iweb.

We used technology to research our production by looking at different videos by Chase and Status. This was so we could see what were the typical themes and we were able to stick to the same one. It was also so we could be the types of narrative that were mostly used so again, we could make ours similar to keep in with their normal videos and also stick to the genre. We then looked at videos by other artists in the same genre to see what the concentions were use the similar ideas within our our production.

We made a website thst enbled us to distribute our project to a wide audience. Here, we used the theme from our music video so that they were linked together, we also did this with the CD Cover and digipak. We added links to social network sites, links to tour dates, the artists images etc. We also had our music video on the home page which would promote their music straight away to anyone that entered the website.

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